I don't know why you'd expect some people to understand many of the lessons of history when they're mostly ignorant of history and have no desire to spend ten minutes of their valuable time to learn any history past five years ago.

For example, the discussion of civilian casualties in the recent middle east "unpleasantness".

The expectation that this can be a sterile, surgical operation where few civilians and children are harmed when one side sought out civilians to start and their combatants are without uniform and hide within the civilian infrastructure.

Let's look for guidance from the "The Good War", WW2. The estimates are 50 some million died in total. That has been estimated at around 15 million combatants and 38 million civilians.

How many have any idea of those numbers?

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That was a wild ride to say the least, my favorite line, "because you never really addressed the problem by just getting rid of the whiteness" this is a big issue and he hits the nail on the head like he did with a lot of subjects. That said, great job Richard, you hung in there all the way. Cheers.

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I was reading the text always better for me as I can study what is said and not miss it and there it was a shout out to you and I getting to know each other via facebook back in the day. Thanks Richard and I trust you had a great Christmas. Now back to the rest of this interesting conversation with Russell.

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